Category Archives: Articles

Research Universities & Colleges

Of the many types of universities in the land, research universities with very high research activity, classified currently as RU/VH universities, lie at the apex of the institutional structure.  Nearly all of the world’s best universities, classified as such by many different independent organizations, hold the RU/VH classification.  Because of its unique nature and its…
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College & University Rankings Matter

Each university is ranked each year by various ranking entities.  Some of the most common ranking entities are and These sites rank universities in comparison with each other along several criteria, decided by the entity conducting the ranking service.  In the end, they produce a list of universities ranked from 1 into the…
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Beginning the University Selection Process

After deciding on what you hope to gain with your university degree, you can begin to consider the specific universities that will help you achieve your main goals.  There are several different types of universities out there.  Each type has its own characteristics.  While you may believe these don’t matter to you, in fact, they…
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Decision Time: College Forethoughts

Our mentors and guides tell us that we will have a better life with a college degree.  This isn’t guaranteed, but college degrees definitely open more doors than high school diplomas or equivalents.  A college degree won’t guarantee you a great job, but it gives you a better chance of getting a job when times…
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Supply and Demand: Economics Behind Admissions

Known as the dismal science because it is rarely agreed upon even by experts in its field, Economics plays a huge part in the business of higher education. For all its vaulted glory as an ivory tower where ideas flow freely, young people discover who they are, and critical research is conducted, at the end…
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Recruiting Quality Students Into College

With tough economic times colleges are trying harder than ever to recruit quality students into their schools. The stakes are high: the typical student will spend over $100,000 to earn a bachelor’s degree at an average public university. For private or high ranked universities the cost can reach mind boggling levels. Such monetary incentive combined…
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Improving your Acceptance Rate for College Admission

Just like millions of high school students before you, countless hours were spent thinking  about where you want to be the next four years of your life after high school graduation. As your senior year approaches, you have your heart set on the perfect dream school that you know will bring happiness. Unbidden, a cold,…
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Potential Admissions Issues & Acceptance Rates for Minorities

America’s reputation as the great melting pot, where people of every race, nationality, and religion could peacefully live together has helped cement this country as the greatest one on earth. While abrasive at times, diversity is a fact of life in America since people of all backgrounds must work, live, and study together. Nowhere is…
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Non Traditional Student Acceptance Rates & Admissions

Thirty years ago a high school diploma was all John Rivers needed to eventually rise to the level of foreman of a Midwestern steel mill. His hard work, dedication, and operational knowledge of the complex industrial process of steel manufacture were what allowed him to pull in yearly compensation well into the six figures. Today,…
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